Why Upselling & Product Options is the Winning Formula for Shopify Stores

Chandler Olson
February 9, 2022
Why Upselling & Product Options is the Winning Formula for Shopify Stores

In this article, we will discuss how you can use product customization and upselling in tandem to create the winning formula for your Shopify store.

Upselling and product customization are essential elements of a successful e-commerce business. The keys to both of these strategies are to do them together. Both these strategies can be combined to get better results for your business.

What is Upselling?

Upselling is the process of selling a shopper an additional product along with the product they are already purchasing. This is usually effective when the product complements the existing purchase. For example, if you are purchasing a pair of sneakers, upselling socks or shoelaces makes sense to complement the purchase. The benefit is that it increases the average order value so you're selling more to an individual customer while deepening your relationship with that buyer.

What is Product Customization?

Product Customization in eCommerce is the process of tailoring a product to the customer's needs. The more you can offer to your customers the exact product they are looking for in terms of color, size, shape, embroidery, and other personalization options, the easier it is for them to find exactly what they're looking for.

Upselling & Product Customization Together

When used effectively, these two methods can help generate more revenue for your store and make your customers happy.

Upselling and product customization are two critical business growth methods. By combining them, you're giving customers what they want or evoking a sense of emotion, which can lead to brand loyalty.

Reasons to Combine Upselling and Product Customization

Helps to Establish Your Brand

You're a business, but you're also a person with a personality. Make your business one-of-a-kind to show your shoppers your uniqueness.

Satisfies Customers

Shoppers like to feel like they're getting something extra when they buy from you, so give them what they want!

Provides Necessary Data

Upselling and product customization provide you as the store owner with more information about your consumers' demands than just asking them what they want.

Improves Goods While Remaining Within Budget Constraints

Your consumers will appreciate having alternatives, and you will like providing them with options without breaking the budget!

In Cart Upsell and Product Options and Customizer work so well together for Shopify stores!
In Cart Upsell and Product Options and Customizer work so well together for Shopify stores!

Reasons Why Combining Product Customization and Upselling is the Winning Formula

Increases Customer Interest

There are several strategies to increase customer interest. One of the most effective methods is to recommend a product to a customer based on their browsing habits. Today's shoppers are inundated with upsell offers, but many of them fail. Why? Because the offer is irrelevant to the shopper's current shopping experience.

These failures stem from a lack of understanding about the shopper's intent. Before you can optimize your upselling efforts, you need to understand how customers make purchase decisions.

Think about how you shop for products online.

Do you go directly to a specific product page?

Do you search for products based on keywords or browse through collections of similar items?

Do you look at multiple products at once or focus on one product at a time?

Understanding these different types of shopping behaviors puts you in a better position to optimize your upselling strategy to maximize revenue.

Make the Customer Feel Special

When it comes to eCommerce, the success of a store is not just about the products it sells, but also about the way its customers feel when they buy those products. A high cart abandonment rate can largely be due to the inability of customers to customize their purchases.

It makes the customer feel special and ready to buy immediately. This can be done by offering your customers various options for customization. You can offer three different sizes for shoes or various accessories for a watch. A lot of times, these add-on purchases will trigger an impulse buy from your customer because they're already in that mindset where they're thinking about purchasing something from you.

You can let your customers customize their own products by adding color, size, or design elements to their orders. For example, if you sell t-shirts, you could offer your customers a selection of color patterns and designs. Once they decide on the t-shirt they love from your store, it's natural to offer an upsell on a hoodie with custom logos or an embroidered name patch to go with it.

UGC for Future Marketing

Marketing is one of the most important components in the success of any eCommerce business.

When you combine upselling and product customization, you increase the chances of your buyers sharing their purchases from your Shopify store on social media. For example, you may use an upsell popover to put tailored items based on the customer's activity on the front of a shirt. Shoppers love that you recognize their likes and cut down on their shopping time, combined with the ability to customize material. This increases the likeliness of them sharing their excitement on TikTok or Instagram.

Online shoppers tend to be very interested in finding out more about brands that they like. Using personalized marketing materials gives you a chance to tell them more about yourself and your brand in an easy-to-digest format. People love sharing their purchases on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, Pinterest, Twitter, and Snapchat. When they do this, they'll either tag you or link back to your store, which is great for SEO purposes.

Builds Trust

It’s not just the products that consumers buy from your store, but also the experience. To be successful, you need to focus on how to provide customers with the best experience. This is not just about products and services, it's also about building trust and relationships with your customers.

We've all had that feeling when we're purchasing a product. It's not quite perfect, but we don't want to walk away empty-handed. That's where upselling and product customization comes into play. Treating your customer as an individual is a great way to build trust. And it's also a great way to increase your customer's purchase! When you're successful at selling an additional product or service to your customer, you're demonstrating that you understand what they need and can provide exactly what they want.

Increases Average Order Value

The best way to drive sales is by offering your customers more. Giving them the ability to customize their products with you not only gives them exactly what they want, but it also gives you the opportunity to upsell them on additional items or services. This can help increase your conversions and generate more revenue.

Customers tend to buy more expensive items when they're asked, as compared to when they're not. A typical e-commerce store actually has many other products that it offers but doesn't sell because it isn't able to convince customers to choose them over the items they've already selected to buy. In other words, many e-commerce stores are leaving millions of dollars on the table by not using these strategies effectively. This is because customers are only willing to make a single purchase at a time, so you need to make sure that they choose your best-selling products instead of others. By offering additional choices or making them complete certain actions before proceeding to the checkout page, you can easily increase your sales which is why upselling and product customization is such a great combination.

A great example of this is In Cart Upsell’s redirect to the product page option; instead of adding the item to the cart, it redirects the customer to the product page where they will be able to customize their purchase. This customizability feature provides an opportunity for merchants to get creative with how they upsell and offer product customization options to their customers.

Remember that no matter what you choose, it’s all about keeping your customer in mind. If you don’t have an option for what they need then they might not come back again. There are plenty of other online stores out there, so if you aren’t able to meet their demands then you’re just wasting your time.


Upselling and product personalization are both effective on their own, but combining them is frequently the winning formula for merchants. Customers will benefit from the combination of the two since it will provide a better shopping experience that will optimize their spending power without pressuring them to buy more than they desire. When upselling and product personalization are merged, regular shoppers may be transformed into devoted fans who return for more and tell their friends about their experience. Customer loyalty, brand affiliation, customer lifetime value, and repeat purchases all grow as a result. This specific combo may be a highly effective marketing strategy since it adds another stage of engagement with your consumer while soliciting their feedback on their requirements. This extra step in the purchase process nearly always leads to an increase in average order value and conversions. Although upselling and product customization are fantastic on their own, they appear to be a natural match when utilized together.

Start your free 30-day free trial on In Cart Upsell and 14-Day free trial on Product Customizer available on Shopify today
Start your free 30-day free trial on In Cart Upsell and 14-Day free trial on Product Customizer available on Shopify today

Start your 30-Day Free Trial on In Cart Upsell and 14-Day Free Trial on Product Customizer available on Shopify today!